
Rabu, 04 November 2009


A. Sitoplasma atau Plasma Sel meliputi isi sel, kecuali nukleus (inti sel).
Sitoplasma tersusun atas :
1. Bagian cair (sitosol = matriks) yang tersusun atas air, protein, asam amino, vitamin, nukleotida, asam lemak, gula, dan ion-ion. Sifatnya koloid.
2. Padatan, tersusun atas organel, misalnya ribosom, mitokondria, kloroplas, RE, kompleks golgi.

B. Protoplasma terdiri dari plasma sel atau sitoplasma dan inti sel atau nukleus.
Protoplasma adalah zat hidup yang membangun sel. Protoplasma yang terdapat dalam nukleus disebut nukleoplasma sedangkan protoplasma yang terdapat di luar nukleus disebut sitoplasma.
Unsur-unsur yang terdapat di dalam protoplasma :
elemen Persentase berat
1. Oxigen 76.0
2. Carbon 10.5
3. Hydrogen 10.0
4. Nitrogen 2.5
5. Phosphorus 0.3
6. Potassium 0.3
7. Sulfur 0.2
8. Clorine 0.1
9. Natrium 0.04
10. Calcium 0.02
11. Magnesium 0.02
12. Ferum 0.01
13. Beberapa tambahan berupa
cuprum, cobalt, mangan, zinc, dsb.

Organela Penyusun Sel
A. Sel Tumbuhan
# Nukleus
Nukleus merupakan sumber segala kegiatan kehidupan sel, karena memiliki kromatin yang mengandung ADN.
# Kromatin
# RE Halus
# Peroksisom
# Dinding Sel
# Membran Plasma
Membran sel merupakan lapisan yang melindungi inti sel dan sitoplasma
# Badan Mikro
# Kompleks Golgi
# Mitokondria
Mitokondria adalah tempat di mana fungsi respirasi pada makhluk hidup berlangsung. Respirasi merupakan proses perombakan atau kataolisme untuk menghasilkan energi atau tenaga bagi berlangsungnya proses hidup.
# Kloroplas
# Sitoplasma
# Ribosom
# RE kasar
# Plastida
1. Kromoplas
2. Leukoplas
3. Amiloplas
4. Kloroplas
# Vakuola
Fungsi :
1. Tempat menyimpan cadangan makanan.
2. Menyimpan pigmen
3. Menyimpan minyak asiri
4. Menyimpan sisa metabolism

B. Sel Hewan
# Nukleus
# Mikrofilamen
# Mikrotubulus
# Mitokondria
# Membran Plasma
# Sepasang Sentriol
# Vasikel
# Lisosom
# Ribosom Bebas
# RE kasar
# RE Halus
# Badan Golgi
Nukleus adalah Nukleus ini umumnya paling mencolok pada sel eukariotik. Rata-rata diameternya 5 µm. Nukleus memiliki membran yang menyelubunginya yang disebut membran atau selubung inti. Membran ini memisahkan isi nukleus dengan sitoplasma.
Nukleolus (anak inti), berfungsi mensintesis berbagai macam molekul RNA (asam ribonukleat) yang digunakan dalam perakitan ribosom.
Gen adalah bahan genetik yang terkait dengan sifat tertentu.Sebagai bahan genetik tentu saja gen diwariskan dari satu individu ke individu lainnya.
Kromatin adalah materi genetik, atau bahan sifat keturunan.
Asam DeoksiriboNukleat, lebih dikenal dengan DNA adalah sejenis asam nukleat yang tergolong biomolekul utama penyusun berat kering setiap organisme. Di dalam sel, DNA umumnya terletak di dalam inti sel.

Plastida adalah organel yang meghasilkan warna pada sel tumbuhan. Plastida dapat dilihat dengan mikroskop cahaya biasa. Organel ini hanya terdapat pada sel tumbuhan. Dikenal tiga jenis plastida yaitu:
1). Leukoplas
Plastida ini berwarna putih berfungsi sebagai penyimpan makanan, terdiri dari:
• Amiloplas (untuk menyimpan amilum)
• Elaioplas atau Lipidoplas (untuk menyimpan lemak/minyak).
• Proteoplas (untuk menyimpan protein).
2). Kloroplas
Kloroplas merupakan plastida berwarna hijau. Kloroplas yang berkembang dalam batang dan sel daun mengandung pigmen hijau yang dalam fotositesis menyerap tenaga matahari untuk mengubah karbon dioksida menjadi gula, yakni sumber energi kimia dan makanan bagi tetumbuhan. Kloroplas memperbanyak diri dengan memisahkan diri secara bebas dari pembelahan inti sel. Plastida ini berfungsi menghasilkan klorofil dan sebagai tempat berlangsungnya fotosintesis.
3). Kromoplas yaitu plastida yang mengandung pigmen, misalnya :
• Fikosianin menimbulkan warna biru misalnya pada Cyanophyta.
• Fikoeritrin menimbulkan warna merah misalnya pada Rhodophyta.
• Karoten menimbulkan warna keemasan misalnya pada wortel dan Chrysophyta.
• Xantofil menimbulkan warna kuning misalnya pada daun yang tua.
• Fukosatin menimbulkan warna pirang misalnya pada Phaeophyta.
Kloroplas dan plastida lainnya memiliki membran rangkap. Membran dalam melingkupi matriks yang dinamakan stroma. Membran dalam ini terlipat berpasangan yang disebut lamela. Secara berkala lamella ini membesar sehingga membentuk gelembung pipih terbungkus membran dan dinamakan tilakoid. Struktur ini tersusun dalam tumpukan mirip koin. Tumpikan tilakoid. dinamakan granum. Pada tilakoid terdapat unit fotosintesis yang berisi molekul pigmen seperti klorofil a, klorofil b, karoten, xantofil. Kandungan kimiawi kloroplas adalah protein, fosfolipid, pigmen hijau dan kuning, DNA dan RNA.
Larutan Hipertonik adalah suatu larutan dengan konsentrasi zat terlarut lebih tinggi (tekanan osmotik yang lebih tinggi) dari pada yang lain sehingga air bergerak ke luar sel.
Larutan Hipotonik (larutan dengan konsentrasi terlarut rendah)
Larutan Isotonik adalah dua larutan yang mempunyai konsentrasi terlarut sama.
Tekanan Osmosis adalah perpindahan air melalui membran permeabel selektif dari bagian yang lebih encer ke bagian yang lebih pekat. Membran semipermeabel harus dapat ditembus oleh pelarut, tapi tidak oleh zat terlarut,

Perbedaan Sel Tumbuhan Dan Sel Hewan
Sel tumbuhan Sel hewan
Sel tumbuhan lebih besar daripada sel hewan. Sel hewan lebih kecil daripada sel tumbuhan.
Mempunyai bentuk yang tetap. Tidak mempunyai bentuk yang tetap.
Mempunyai dinding sel dari selulosa.
Tidak mempunyai dinding sel

Mempunyai plastida.
Tidak mempunyai plastida.

Mempunyai vakuola atau rongga sel yang besar. Tidak mempunyai vakuola, walaupun terkadang sel beberapa hewan uniseluler memiliki vakuola (tapi tidak sebesar yang dimiliki tumbuhan). Yang biasa dimiliki hewan adalah vesikel atau

Menyimpan tenaga dalam bentuk butiran (granul) pati.
Menyimpan tenaga dalam bentuk butiran (granul) glikogen.

Tidak Mempunyai sentrosom
Mempunyai sentrosom

Tidak memiliki lisosom
Memiliki lisosom

Nukleus lebih kecil daripada vakuola. Nukleus lebih besar daripada vesikel.

Sel hewan

Sel hewan adalah nama umum untuk sel eukariotik yang menyusun jaringan hewan. Sel hewan berbeda dari sel eukariotik lain, seperti sel tumbuhan, karena mereka tidak memiliki dinding sel, dan kloroplas, dan biasanya mereka memiliki vakuola yang lebih kecil, bahkan tidak ada. Karena tidak memiliki dinding sel yang keras, sel hewan bervariasi bentuknya. Sel manusia adalah salah satu jenis sel hewan.

Sel tumbuhan
Sel tumbuhan adalah bagian terkecil dari setiap organ tumbuhan. Sel tumbuhan adalah penggerak dari suatu tumbuhan itu sendiri. Sel tumbuhan cukup berbeda dengan sel organisme eukariotik lainnya. Fitur-fitur berbeda tersebut meliputi:
• Vakuola yang besar (dikelilingi membran, disebut tonoplas, yang menjaga turgor sel dan mengontrol pergerakan molekul di antara sitosol dan getah.
• Dinding sel yang tersusun atas selulosa dan protein, dalam banyak kasus lignin, dan disimpan oleh protoplasma di luar membran sel. Ini berbeda dengan dinding sel fungi, yang dibuat dari kitin, dan prokariotik, yang dibuat dari peptidoglikan.
• Plasmodesmata, merupakan pori-pori penghubung pada dinding sel memungkinkan setiap sel tumbuhan berkomunikasi dengan sel berdekatan lainnya. Ini berbeda dari jaringan hifa yang digunakan oleh fungi.
• Plastida, terutama kloroplas yang mengandung klorofil, pigmen yang memberikan warna hijau bagi tumbuhan dan memungkinkan terjadinya fotosintesis.
• Kelompok tumbuhan tidak berflagella (termasuk konifer dan tumbuhan berbuga) juga tidak memiliki sentriol yang terdapat di sel hewan.
• Membran sel
• Dinding sel
• Plasmodesma
• Vakuola
o Tonoplas
o Kristal
• Plastida
o Kloroplas
o Leukoplas
o Kromoplas
• Badan golgi
• Ribosom
• Retikulum endoplasma
• Mitokondrion
• Mikrotubula
• Mikrofilamen
• Lisosom
• Tubuh mikro
• Hyaloplasma
• Nukleus
o Membran nuklear
o Pori-pori nuklear
o Kromatin
 RNA duta
 RNA transpor

Selasa, 03 November 2009

Conversation Nia n Restu

Nia : ouch my head hurts, I want to check it once a medicine.
When I arrived at the doctor's
Nia : Excuse me Doc ....
Restu : Please enter your sick ... what?
Nia : Well Doc, last night my body a high fever, the temperature reached 380 Celsius.
And now my head hurts does not heal ...
Restu : Ooooo ... So ... Here I check ... Mmmm ... maybe you are sick because it was too tired,
start now you should rest more .. Okay, now that your fever down I will give drug
injections decrease the heat.
Nia : Ouch .. it’s very painful!
Restu : I'll give you the prescription. And this drug should you drink three times a day after
Nia : I felt better when you give me injections and I will drink this drug…
Restu : yes, it should.
Nia : well, thank you doc. Excuse me….
Restu : you’re welcome…..

Senin, 02 November 2009

Conversation Rully n Putri Ayu

Tugas : Putri Ayu Wulansari
Rully Transia Anggraeni

Last night I got a severe headache the temperature 38 degresss’C. So there I check my pain to the doctor.

Student : Good morning doctor.
Doctor : Good morning too , what can I do for you ?
Student : I want to check my healthy doctor.
Doctor : What do you problem ?
Student : Last nigt I got a fever the temperature was 38 degress’ C, until now the headache won’t go away I was feel the pain is getting worse doc.
Doctor: please , two lie down. I will exmine and diagnoses your condition .
Student : Okey doc.
Doctor : According to me you got a throat infection !
Student : it will be better doc?
Doctor : Yes , sure. Well I shall give you a injection.
Student : I think that a bad idea. And my feeling no good.
Doctor : it’s okey. Down worry.
Student : ok. Doc.
Doctor : How do you feel right now ?
Student : begin better doc ?
Docter : ow so there well. This’s there prescription 4 some the capsules 3 time a day after a meal.
Student : Thanks for help doc. And bye.
Doctor : You Are welcome.

Conversation Tifa n Titi



Latifa : good morning, doc.
Dr.Titi : good morning. What can I help?
Latifa : I feel unwell today, I have headache. Last night I am
fever, my body temperature achieves 38 degree
Dr.Titi : Please, you lie down a moment for investigate.
Latifa : Yes, of course.
Dr.Titi : Let me see your tongue and have you a bitter taste in your mouth.
Latifa : Yes. My gullet is ill moment gulp something.
Dr.Titi : Oh…your throat is swollen and very red. You have got a bad throat infection. I will give you are injection to will cause ill taste and this is recipe that must you redeem, at drink 3 time a day.
Latifa : Thanks Doc.

Minggu, 01 November 2009

Conversation Shyd n Elyas

E : ouch, my head. It hurt me so much. I must check it up to the doctor tonight

The Night
E : (knocking the door).. Excusme.
S : Come in! What is your problem Mr..?
E : Mr. Elyas Doc, I have a severe headache and I can't overcome my headache, I got a fever last night, my body temperature was 38°C, it make me can't sleep better, when the morning my headache is getting worse and worse, and if I eat something my throat is very painful.
S : Hmm.. Let I examine your body, lie down here please.(as told to lie in bed). Open your mouth please.(checking his mouth).
ouw, your throat is swollen and very red. You got a bad throat infection.
E : Oh my god, why it so bad?
S : I have to inject you, so that your headache are not getting worse.(while preparing syringes and then plugged into the buttocks of patients).
E : Ouch! That hurts! I hope it will reduce my headache.
S : I will Gave you some medicines, eat this 3 times after you take a meal.
E : Thanks Doc, I have to pay how much?
S : For Examine Just Rp.50.000 and medicines pay to the pharmacist.
E : O.K! thank you very much doctor.
S : your welcome, I hope you will get better tomorrow.

Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009


An ocean (from Greek Ωκεανός, Okeanos (Oceanus)) is a large body of saline water, and a principal component of the hydrosphere. Approximately 75% of the Earth's surface (an area of some 361,000,000 square kilometres (139,000,000 sq mi)) is covered by ocean, a continuous body of water that is customarily divided into several principal oceans and smaller seas.

More than half of this area is over 3,000 metres (9,800 ft) deep. Average oceanic salinity is around 35 parts per thousand (ppt) (3.5%), and nearly all seawater has a salinity in the range of 30 to 38 ppt. Scientists estimate that 230,000 marine life forms of all types are currently known, but the total could be up to 10 times that number.


Though generally described as several 'separate' oceans, these waters comprise one global, interconnected body of salt water often referred to as the World Ocean or global ocean.[This concept of a continuous body of water with relatively free interchange among its parts is of fundamental importance to oceanography.

The major oceanic divisions are defined in part by the continents, various archipelagos, and other criteria. These divisions are (in descending order of size):

The Pacific and Atlantic may be further subdivided by the equator into northern and southern portions. Smaller regions of the oceans are called seas, gulfs, bays, straits and other names.

Geologically, an ocean is an area of oceanic crust covered by water. Oceanic crust is the thin layer of solidified volcanic basalt that covers the Earth's mantle. Continental crust is thicker but less dense. From this perspective, the earth has three oceans: the World Ocean and the Caspian and Black Seas. The latter two were formed by the collision of Cimmeria with Laurasia. The Mediterranean Sea is at times a discrete ocean, because tectonic plate movement has repeatedly broken its connection to the World Ocean through the Strait of Gibraltar. The Black Sea is connected to the Mediterranean through the Bosporus, but the Bosporous is a natural canal cut through continental rock some 7,000 years ago, rather than a piece of oceanic sea floor like the Strait of Gibraltar.

Despite their names, smaller landlocked bodies of saltwater that are not connected with the World Ocean, such as the Aral Sea, are actually salt lakes.

Ocean and life

The ocean has a significant effect on the biosphere. Oceanic evaporation, as a phase of the water cycle, is the source of most rainfall, and ocean temperatures determine climate and wind patterns that affect life on land. Life within the ocean evolved 3 billion years prior to life on land. Both the depth and distance from shore strongly influence the amount and kinds of plants and animals that live there.

Physical properties

The area of the World Ocean is 361,000,000 square kilometres (139,000,000 sq mi),its volume is approximately 1.3 billion cubic kilometres (310 million cu mi)]. This canbe thought of as a cube of water with an edge length of 1,111 kilometres (690 mi). Its average depth is 3,790 metres (12,400 ft), and its maximum depth is 10,923 metres (6.787 mi)Nearly half of the world's marine waters are over 3,000 metres (9,800 ft) deep.[3] The vast expanses of deep ocean (anything below 200 metres (660 ft) cover about 66% of the Earth's surface.

This does not include seas not connected to the World Ocean, such as the Caspian Sea.

The total mass of the hydrosphere is about 1,400,000,000,000,000,000 metric tons (1.5×1018 short tons) , which is about 0.023% of the Earth's total mass. Less than 3% is freshwater; the rest is saltwater, mostly in the ocean.


A common misconception is that the oceans are blue primarily because the sky is blue. In fact, water has a very slight blue color that can only be seen in large volumes. While the sky's reflection does contribute to the blue appearance of the surface, it is not the primary cause.The primary cause is the absorption by the water molecules' nuclei of red photons from the incoming light, the only known example of color in nature resulting from vibrational, rather than electronic, dynamics.


Sailors and other mariners have reported that the ocean often emits a visible glow, or luminescence, which extends for miles at night. In 2005, scientists announced that for the first time, they had obtained photographic evidence of this glowIt may be caused by bioluminescence.


Ocean travel by boat dates back to prehistoric times, but only in modern times has extensive underwater travel become possible.

The deepest point in the ocean is the Mariana Trench, located in the Pacific Ocean near the Northern Mariana Islands. It has a maximum depth of 10,923 metres (35,840 ft).

The British naval vessel, "Challenger II" surveyed the trench in 1951 and named the deepest part of the trench, the "Challenger Deep". In 1960, the Trieste successfully reached the bottom of the trench, manned by a crew of two men.

Much of the ocean bottom remains unexplored and unmapped. A global image of many underwater features larger than 10 kilometres (6.2 mi) was created in 1995 based on gravitational distortions of the nearby sea surface.


Oceanographers divide the ocean into regions depending on physical and biological conditions of these areas. The pelagic zone includes all open ocean regions, and can be divided into further regions categorized by depth and light abundance. The photic zone covers the oceans from surface level to 200 metres down. This is the region where photosynthesis can occur and therefore is the most biodiverse. Since plants require photosynthesis, life found deeper than this must either rely on material sinking from above (see marine snow) or find another energy source; hydrothermal vents are the primary option in what is knoownas the aphotic zone (depths exceeding 2000m). The pelagic part of the photic zone is known as the epipelagic. The hee pelagic part of the aphotic zone can be further divided into regions that succeed each other vertically according to temperature.

The mesopelagic is the uppermost region. Its lowermost boundary is at a thermocline of 12 °C (Template:Convert/f), which, in the tropics generally lies at 700–1,000 metres (2,300–3,300 ft). Next is the bathypelagic lying between 10-4 °C (Template:Convert/f/10-4 °C), typically between 700–1,000 metres (2,300–3,300 ft) and 2,000–4,000 metres (6,600–13,000 ft) Lying along the top of the abyssal plain is the abyssalpelagic, whose lower boundary lies at about 6,000 metres (20,000 ft). The final zone includes the deep trenches, and is known as the hadalpelagic. This lies between 6,000–11,000 metres (20,000–36,000 ft) and is the deepest oceanic zone.

Along with pelagic aphotic zones there are also benthic aphotic zones. These correspond to the three deepest zones. The bathyal zone covers the continental slope down to about 4,000 metres (13,000 ft). The abyssal zone covers the abyssal plains between 4,000 and 6,000 m. Lastly, the hadal zone corresponds to the hadalpelagic zone which is found in the oceanic trenches. The pelagic zone can also be split into two subregions, the neritic zone and the oceanic zone. The neritic encompasses the water mass directly above the continental shelves, while the oceanic zone includes all the completely open water. In contrast, the littoral zone covers the region between low and high tide and represents the transitional area between marine and terrestrial conditions. It is also known as the intertidal zone because it is the area where tide level affects the conditions of the region.


The ocean floor spreads from mid-ocean ridges where two plates adjoin. Where two plates move towards each other, one plate subducts under another plate (oceanic or contintential) leading to an oceanic trench.

Climate effects

Ocean currents greatly affect the Earth's climate by transferring heat from the tropics to the polar regions, and transferring warm or cold air and precipitation to coastal regions, where winds may carry them inland. Surface heat and freshwater fluxes creates global density gradients that drive the thermohaline circulation part of large-scale ocean circulation. It plays an important role in supplying heat to the polar regions, and thus in sea ice regulation. Changes in the thermohaline circulation are thought to have significant impacts on the earth's radiation budget. Insofar as the thermohaline circulation governs the rate at which deep waters reach the surface, it may also significantly influence atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations.

For a discussion of the possibilities of changes to the thermohaline circulation under global warming, see shutdown of thermohaline circulation.

It is often stated that the thermohaline circulation is the primary reason that the climate Western Europe is so temperate. An alternate hypothesis claims that this is largely incorrect, and that Europe is warm mostly because it lies downwind of an ocean basin, and because atmospheric waves bring warm air north from the subtropics.

The Antarctic Circumpolar Current encircles that continent, influencing the area's climate and connecting currents in several oceans.

One of the most dramatic forms of weather occurs over the oceans: tropical cyclones (also called "typhoons" and "hurricanes" depending upon where the system forms).

Climate effects

Ocean currents greatly affect the Earth's climate by transferring heat from the tropics to the polar regions, and transferring warm or cold air and precipitation to coastal regions, where winds may carry them inland. Surface heat and freshwater fluxes creates global density gradients that drive the thermohaline circulation part of large-scale ocean circulation. It plays an important role in supplying heat to the polar regions, and thus in sea ice regulation. Changes in the thermohaline circulation are thought to have significant impacts on the earth's radiation budget. Insofar as the thermohaline circulation governs the rate at which deep waters reach the surface, it may also significantly influence atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations.

For a discussion of the possibilities of changes to the thermohaline circulation under global warming, see shutdown of thermohaline circulation.

It is often stated that the thermohaline circulation is the primary reason that the climate Western Europe is so temperate. An alternate hypothesis claims that this is largely incorrect, and that Europe is warm mostly because it lies downwind of an ocean basin, and because atmospheric waves bring warm air north from the subtropics.

The Antarctic Circumpolar Current encircles that continent, influencing the area's climate and connecting currents in several oceans.

One of the most dramatic forms of weather occurs over the oceans: tropical cyclones (also called "typhoons" and "hurricanes" depending upon where the system forms).


The original concept of "ocean" goes back to notions of Mesopotamian and Indo-European mythology, imagining the world to be encircled by a great river. Okeanos in Greek, reflects the ancient Greek observation that a strong current flowed off Gibraltar and their subsequent assumption that it was a great river. (Compare also Samudra from Hindu mythology and Jörmungandr from Norse mythology.) The world was imagined to be enclosed by a celestial ocean above the heavens, and an ocean of the underworld below.

Artworks which depict maritime themes are known as marine art, a term which particularly applies to common styles of European painting of the 17th to 19th centuries.

Anatomi Manusia Sistem Peredaran Darah

Fitur Utama

Sebuah cairan, darah, untuk mengangkut
  • gizi
  • limbah
  • oksigen dan karbon dioksida
  • hormon
Dua pompa (dalam satu hati)
  • terdeoksigenasi satu untuk memompa darah ke paru-paru;
  • lain oksigen untuk memompa darah ke semua organ-organ lain dan jaringan tubuh

Sebuah sistem pembuluh darah untuk mendistribusikan darah ke seluruh tubuh

Khusus organ untuk pertukaran bahan antara darah dan lingkungan eksternal, misalnya

  • organ-organ seperti paru-paru dan usus yang menambah bahan-bahan ke darah dan
  • organ-organ seperti paru-paru dan ginjal yang menghapus bahan-bahan dari darah dan deposito mereka kembali dalam lingkungan eksternal.

Jantung dan sistem paru

Jantung terletak kira-kira di tengah-tengah rongga dada. Hal ini ditutupi oleh membran pelindung, perikardium.
  • Terdeoksigenasi darah dari tubuh memasuki atrium kanan.
  • Mengalir melalui katup trikuspid ke ventrikel kanan. Istilah trikuspid merujuk pada tiga flap jaringan yang membentuk katup.
  • Kontraksi ventrikel kemudian menutup katup trikuspid dan memaksa membuka katup paru-paru.
  • Darah mengalir ke arteri paru-paru.
  • Cabang ini segera, membawa darah ke paru-paru kanan dan kiri.
  • Di sini darah menyerah karbon dioksida dan mengambil pada pasokan oksigen segar.
  • Kapiler paru-paru ini ketika dikeringkan oleh venula yang merupakan anak cabang dari pembuluh darah paru.
  • Dua kali pengurasan paru-paru, membawa darah beroksigen ke atrium kiri jantung

Di atas ini: hati manusia, dengan pandangan skematis jalur darah melalui paru-paru dan organ internal. Darah beroksigen ditampilkan dalam warna merah; terdeoksigenasi darah dengan warna biru. Perhatikan bahwa darah mengalir perut, limpa, dan usus melewati hati sebelum kembali ke jantung. Sini surplus atau bahan berbahaya dijemput dari organ-organ tersebut dapat dibuang sebelum darah kembali ke sirkulasi umum.

Sistem koroner

Dari atrium kiri,
  • Darah mengalir melalui katup mitral (juga dikenal sebagai katup gigi seri) ke ventrikel kiri.
  • Kontraksi ventrikel menutup katup mitral dan katup aorta membuka di pintu masuk ke aorta.
  • Cabang pertama dari aorta terjadi tepat di balik katup aorta masih dalam hati.
  • Dua bukaan mengarah ke kanan dan kiri arteri koroner, yang memasok darah ke jantung itu sendiri.

    Meskipun arteri koroner timbul di dalam hati, mereka masuk secara langsung ke permukaan jantung dan memperpanjang di seberang itu. Mereka suplai darah ke jaringan kapiler yang menembus setiap bagian dari hati.

  • Kapiler mengalir ke dua koroner vena yang bermuara di atrium kanan.


Arteri koroner muncul pada titik maksimum tekanan darah dalam sistem peredaran darah. Selama perjalanan waktu, dinding arteri cenderung kehilangan elastisitas, yang membatasi jumlah darah yang dapat lonjakan melalui mereka dan dengan demikian membatasi pasokan oksigen ke jantung. Kondisi ini dikenal sebagai arteriosklerosis.


Lemak yang disebut plak, dapat menumpuk pada permukaan interior arteri koroner. Hal ini terutama sering terjadi pada orang yang memiliki tingkat kolesterol dalam darah mereka. Plak deposito mengurangi menanggung dari arteri koroner sehingga jumlah darah mereka dapat bawa.

Aterosklerosis (biasanya bersama dengan arteriosklerosis) dapat
  • sehingga membatasi pasokan darah ke jantung yang selama masa stres otot jantung sehingga kekurangan oksigen bahwa rasa sakit angina dibuat.
  • memicu pembentukan bekuan darah menyebabkan trombosis koroner. Ini akan menghentikan aliran darah melalui pembuluh kapiler dan jaringan ini memasok menyebabkan serangan jantung. Bagian otot jantung kekurangan oksigen oksigen dengan cepat mati kelaparan. Jika daerah itu tidak terlalu besar, tidak rusak bagian dari jantung bisa, pada waktunya, mengkompensasi kerusakan.

Menggunakan operasi bypass koroner segmen pembuluh darah di kaki tersumbat untuk melewati bagian-bagian dari arteri koroner.

Sirkulasi Sistemik

Sisanya dari sistem ini dikenal sebagai sirkulasi sistemik. Menunjukkan grafik arteri utama (merah cerah) dan vena (merah gelap) dari sistem.

Darah dari aorta masuk ke dalam sebuah sistem percabangan arteri yang mengarah ke seluruh bagian tubuh. Ini kemudian mengalir menjadi sistem kapiler fungsi dimana pertukaran terjadi.

Dalam arti sebenarnya, struktur yang dijelaskan dalam halaman ini hanya memiliki satu fungsi: untuk memasok bahan - bahan dan menghapus dari - kapiler.

Darah dari kapiler mengalir ke venula yang terkuras oleh vena.

  • Vena mengalirkan bagian atas tubuh menyebabkan vena kava superior.
  • Vena mengalirkan bagian bawah tubuh mengarah ke v. kava inferior.
  • Kedua kosong ke atrium kanan.