
Minggu, 01 November 2009

Conversation Shyd n Elyas

E : ouch, my head. It hurt me so much. I must check it up to the doctor tonight

The Night
E : (knocking the door).. Excusme.
S : Come in! What is your problem Mr..?
E : Mr. Elyas Doc, I have a severe headache and I can't overcome my headache, I got a fever last night, my body temperature was 38°C, it make me can't sleep better, when the morning my headache is getting worse and worse, and if I eat something my throat is very painful.
S : Hmm.. Let I examine your body, lie down here please.(as told to lie in bed). Open your mouth please.(checking his mouth).
ouw, your throat is swollen and very red. You got a bad throat infection.
E : Oh my god, why it so bad?
S : I have to inject you, so that your headache are not getting worse.(while preparing syringes and then plugged into the buttocks of patients).
E : Ouch! That hurts! I hope it will reduce my headache.
S : I will Gave you some medicines, eat this 3 times after you take a meal.
E : Thanks Doc, I have to pay how much?
S : For Examine Just Rp.50.000 and medicines pay to the pharmacist.
E : O.K! thank you very much doctor.
S : your welcome, I hope you will get better tomorrow.

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