Pope is a type of mammal that lived in the ocean. Although the Indonesian whales often called "whale", the pope is not really belong to the family of fish. Like animals other mammals whales have characteristics as follows:
• breathe through the lungs
• have hair (a little, almost nothing for adult whales)
• hot blooded
• have mammary glands.
• have four-chambered heart
Ancient whales evolved in the mid-tempo Eocene, about 50 million years ago. One of the earliest whales are extinct Basilosaurus who have small heads and toothed prominent bermoncong. Basilosaurus has length 25 meters.
indicate that the whale came from hoofed land animals, perhaps from animals such as Mesonychid (animals like wolves that live on the coast) which gradually returned to live in the sea about 50 million years ago.,. One more possibility of other animals that turned into a whale, is Ambulocetus, sized mammals seals, as long as 3 feet weighing 325 pounds.
Mysticeti. At present, there are two types of whales, the whales Odontoceti toothed whales, and whale Baleen, Mysticeti. Fish Odontoceti-toothed whales are predators that eat fish, squid, and mammals marine, has a breathing hole. Fish Baleen whales larger than toothed whales and have a structure known as Baleen shaped brush. This structure allows you to filter plankton in the water.Balin Whale has two breathing holes.
Minggu, 25 Oktober 2009
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